
Acupuncture can be utilized as an adjunctive treatment in most diseases and health conditions, but is specifically well known for treating most pain conditions. It is also successful in combating stress and anxiety by providing a sense of quietness, tranquility and inner peace, both during and following the treatment. Pain relief and relaxation are only very general applications among the multitude of diseases and conditions effectively treated with Chinese medicine. Please inquire further if there are any specific conditions in question.

Acupuncture needles are placed along specific areas of the body to treat all types of aches, pains, injuries, trauma and even addictions. By restoring balance within the patient, acupuncture is a safe and gentle modality for everyone. Acupuncture can be utilized as an adjunctive treatment in most diseases and health conditions, but is specifically well known for treating most pain conditions. It is also successful in combating stress and anxiety by providing a sense of quietness, tranquility and inner peace, both during and following the treatment.

Acupuncture For Sports Injuries

A wealth of research currently exists demonstrating the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of musculoskeletal sports injuries. One recent study showed the positive benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of shin splints, an injury all to common among the running community. Following are the results of that study:

Acupuncture appears to be an effective modality for relieving pain associated with shin splints and for reducing reliance on anti-inflammatory medication. Athletes in the Acupuncture and Combined Groups received the most pain relief, were least hindered by pain during sporting and non-sporting activities, and felt that the treatments were effective.

The perception of pain, pain relief, and effectiveness was generally unchanged for athletes in the traditional Sports Medicine Group. Anti-inflammatory medication use decreased over the duration of the study in the Acupuncture and Combined Treatment groups. Due to the small population involved in this study, the results show only preliminary tendencies. A larger pool of people would need to be analyzed in order conclude validity. The use of Sports Medicine modalities alone has successfully cured thou- sands of athletes with this syndrome and is used as a primary treatment source in western based clinics. However, this study does indicate enough statistically significant evidence to view the use of acupuncture as a viable treatment source.


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