Leg Pain

Leg pain can have a major impact on your life. It affects your ability to get around, as well as the way you go through your daily life. If you have pain in your leg, you need pain management. At Back In Motion Chiropractic Sports & Auto Injury Center in Beaverton, our team understands that there are many causes to leg pain, hip pain, and other issues in your lower extremities. Let’s look at some ways to find pain relief.



If your legs hurt, you might need to give them a break. While movement is important, it is also important to know when pushing it will cause further pain and injury. Resting your legs will allow them to recuperate without the risk of further injuries. Since you rely on your legs to get around, leg pain could also cause you to fall, which could injure other areas of your body. So take some time to rest.

Physical Therapy

If your leg pain is the result of an injury, physical therapy can be a great addition to your pain management plan. Physical therapy targets the injury and uses different techniques and exercises to treat it. It strengthens the injured muscles, which promotes faster healing while preventing future injuries. If you’re seeking chiropractic care, physical therapy is often part of that treatment.


When your muscles hurt, gentle stretching can relieve the pain. It keeps the muscles flexible, relieving tension and preventing pain. This is the kind of movement that you can do even when you’re trying to rest your legs. It is safe and easy to do. If you don’t know which stretches would be best for your specific leg pain, our chiropractors can help.


A hot bath or heating pads can make a big difference when you have chronic pain. The heat penetrates the painful muscles, relieving your pain and loosening tight tissue. It also improves blood flow to the area by opening up the blood vessels. This brings more oxygen and nutrients via the circulatory system, which will promote better healing. So if you need a simple, quick way to handle leg pain, slip into a hot bath.

Find Leg Pain Relief in Beaverton, OR

Whether it’s due to arthritis, an injury, or something else, leg pain and hip pain need to be addressed. Our team at Back In Motion Chiropractic Sports & Auto Injury Center wants to help you manage your pain with natural and effective treatments. Call our team today at (503) 524-9040 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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