Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is incredibly common, affecting about one in ten people worldwide. Lower back pain has a variety of causes. If left untreated, acute lower back pain can become chronic. If you've been suffering from chronic lower back pain, Back In Motion Chiropractic Sports & Auto Injury Center In Beaverton, OR, can help. Our chiropractor is trained in recognizing musculoskeletal ailments and providing treatment for lower back pain.


What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Most causes of lower back pain are attributed to muscle injuries. Muscle injuries, such as lower back sprains and strains, are common in people who work physical labor. Even sitting for prolonged periods or twisting the wrong way can lead to lower back pain.

Other causes of lower back pain include:

  • Herniated discs: Spinal discs can rupture, leaking out fluid and causing surrounding nerves to become compressed.
  • Osteoarthritis: The discs between the vertebra can wear down due to age and wear-and-tear.
  • Traumatic injury: An injury to the lower back can cause long-term pain.
  • Joint dysfunction: Joint dysfunction in the lower back can lead to pain and immobility.
  • Spinal stenosis: A condition where the spinal canal narrows compressing sensitive nerves.

Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain

If you've been suffering from chronic lower back pain, your chiropractor will be able to determine the root cause of your pain. They will do so by conducting a full physical exam along with imaging tests such as x-rays. They will also ask about the nature of your pain when it started, and if there is anything that makes the pain better or worse. They will then determine the best course of treatment for your lower back pain depending on the root cause.

Treatment can include:

  • Spinal decompression for herniated discs
  • Muscle massage therapy to alleviate strains and sprains
  • Muscle stretches to reduce inflammation
  • Manual adjustments to alleviate spinal issues and re-align the spine
  • Electrical stimulation and sound wave therapy

Schedule an Appointment with Our Beaverton Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain Treatment

At Back In Motion Chiropractic Sports & Auto Injury Center, we won't stop until our patients feel relief from lower back pain and improve their quality of life! Call us today to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor in Beaverton, OR.


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11:00 am - 6:00 pm


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11:00 am - 6:00 pm


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9:00 am - 2:00 pm

