Plantar Fasciitis FAQs

If you're experiencing constant pain and discomfort in the heel of your foot, you could be suffering from plantar fasciitis. Certain types of activities like running, jogging, ballet, or aerobic dancing make you more prone to developing this foot condition. At Back in Motion Chiropractic in Beaverton, OR, we offer natural pain relief treatment for plantar fasciitis. Here are some common questions people often have concerning this condition and how we can help.


What is plantar fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is connective tissue lining the bottom of your feet that connects your heel to your toes. Inflammation of this tissue can result in a foot condition called plantar fasciitis, distinguished by stabbing pain in the heel of your foot. If left untreated, this condition can worsen and cause chronic foot pain.

What causes plantar fasciitis?

Foot overuse or irregular foot support are some common causes of plantar fasciitis. Some factors that can contribute to this condition are:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Excessive standing
  • Increased exercise that requires the use of your feet or lack of exercise
  • Tightness in your Achilles tendon

Who's at risk of developing plantar fasciitis?

People who spend a lot of time on their feet are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis due to putting undue stress on foot tissues. If you're overweight or have irregular arches or flat feet, you're also at risk of suffering from this foot condition. 

What are some symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

Sharp pain in the heel of your foot is the most common symptom. Your feet may burn or ache when you stand or start to walk after sitting or lying down for an extended period of time. In the beginning, you may experience mild symptoms from time to time. However, these symptoms can occur more often and be more severe if left untreated. If you're experiencing foot or heel pain, our professional staff at our Beaverton chiropractic clinic can determine if your pain is due to plantar fasciitis.

How does a chiropractor treat plantar fasciitis?

The first step is getting an accurate diagnosis of your condition. If plantar fasciitis is the cause of your pain, we'll outline a personalized treatment plan. Chiropractic techniques like joint manipulation, soft tissue massage, and corrective exercises can help reduce painful plantar fasciitis symptoms to restore your mobility.

Massage and joint manipulation can reduce tightness in foot muscles and joints to relieve pain and inflammation and promote healing of connective tissues. Massage will also boost blood flow to inflamed tissues to promote healing. Corrective exercises can strengthen foot muscles and joints to prevent future episodes of this condition.

Visit Us for Plantar Fasciitis Treatment from Our Chiropractors in Beaverton, OR

To schedule a consultation for diagnosis and treatment of plantar fasciitis, contact Back In Motion Chiropractic Sports & Auto Injury Center at (503) 524-9040.


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